The tournament is open to all teams properly registered and in good standing with their association and which comply with the Rules and By-Laws of the United States Youth Soccer Association, Nevada Youth Soccer Association, and US Club Soccer. As a condition of acceptance, all teams, other than those in the local area, are required to stay in tournament-designated hotels. Falsifying any information in the application or registration process, including but not limited to the use of illegal players, may result in the withdrawal of the invitation. In the event of a withdrawal of the invitation, the tournament will not provide a refund. Teams must register and have paid the tournament application fee by the deadline established on the tournament application form. Foreign team applications must be received 90-days prior to the tournament start date. Foreign teams must have written permission and verification from US Soccer/US Youth Soccer and their federation, providing authorization to participate in the Las Vegas Invitational Cup. Any player that is in bad standing with any state association or other United States Soccer Federation affiliated organization may not play in the Las Vegas Invitational Cup, even if that player’s team has approval to play in the tournament from a different USSF affiliated organization. For example, a player in bad standing with their state association cannot play for their team even though the team has entered the tournament as a US Club Soccer team. Any team that uses a player in bad standing with any state association or other USSF affiliated organization will forfeit all games.
- Roster Freeze: Teams must have their players, including jersey numbers, filled into their Event roster in Gotsport.com no later than 8:59 PM Pacific Time on October 7th, 2024.
- Check-in: Teams will check in at the Field Marshal tent closest to their game field 30 minutes prior to each game. Field Marshals will conduct a quick credential check of the following items:
- Player cards: Current laminated US Club Soccer player card, or approved USSF affiliated organization equivalent (i.e., USYSA, AYSO, etc.), or the appropriate national organization pass to participate. All foreign players will need to present a passport at registration;
- Medical release: Medical release forms from an approved USSF affiliated organization for every player;
- Loan forms for Guest Players: Player loan player forms if your state association still uses them. There may be an unlimited number of borrowed players per team.
- Travel Papers: Official form from State Association or National Association providing permission to participate, and certification of the team roster (if traveling from outside Nevada). Players within Region IV are no longer required to provide travel papers.
Tournament headquarters will be located at the Bettye Wilson Soccer Complex.
All foreign teams are required to present passports and a recent photo at registration.
Failure to provide any of the above items may prevent players or teams from participating in the tournament.
FIFA Laws of the Game shall apply as modified by USYSA and Heat F.C. tournament committee as described below.
Division, Birth Year, Duration of Games, Ball Size, Field Format, Heading Restrictions, Roster Size are as follows:
Year |
Game Length | Ball Size | Field Format | Heading
The Ball |
Roster Size | Eligible to Play per Game | |
U19 | 2005 | 35 x 2 = 70 | 5 | 11v11 | Yes | 22 | 18 | |
U18 | 2006 | 35 x 2 = 70 | 5 | 11v11 | Yes | 22 | 18 | |
U17 | 2007 | 35 x 2 = 70 | 5 | 11v11 | Yes | 22 | 18 | |
U16 | 2008 | 35 x 2 = 70 | 5 | 11v11 | Yes | 22 | 18 | |
U15 | 2009 | 35 x 2 = 70 | 5 | 11v11 | Yes | 22 | 18 | |
U14 | 2010 | 35 x 2 = 70 | 5 | 11v11 | Yes | 22 | 18 | |
U13 | 2011 | 35 x 2 = 70 | 5 | 11v11 | Yes | 22 | 18 | |
U12 | 2012 | 30 x 2 = 60 | 4 | 9v9 | Yes | 16 | 16 | |
U11 | 2013 | 30 x 2 = 60 | 4 | 9v9 | Yes | 16 | 16 | |
U10 | 2014 | 25 x 2 = 50 | 4 | 7v7 | No | 16 | 16 | |
U9 | 2015 | 25 x 2 = 50 | 4 | 7v7 | No | 16 | 16 |
Age groups and player eligibility are based on birthdays January 1 through December 31.
A U8 team can be permitted to participate in U9 division (7v7)
Players may play on only one team during the tournament.
Teams may use an unlimited amount of guest players as long as they are affiliated under the same association as the rest of the team (USYSA or US Club or ECNL), but are still subject to the maximum roster size rules above. Each guest player must have proper and complete USSF Guest Player Release form, player’s card, and signed medical waiver.
Delays of the game due to injury will result in appropriate time being added to the full game time, based on the judgment of the referee. But preliminary games will be terminated not less than five minutes prior to the scheduled start of the next game.
Group Stage games will be called not less than five minutes prior to the scheduled start of the next games regardless of the amount of time played in each half up to that point. A game is “complete” upon completion of one-half of play regardless of the circumstances of termination during the second half with final results based on the score at the time the game is called. Preliminary games can end in a tie.
Quarterfinal, Semifinal & Final games tied after regulation will go directly to FIFA Kicks from the Mark to determine who the winner is.
Half-time will be exactly five minutes.
Heat FC will hold the tournament on the fields it chooses at the discretion of the tournament committee. Currently, Heat FC anticipates conducting the tournament at the Bettye Wilson Soccer Complex Fields 1 through 10 (all grass) and Kellogg Zaher Soccer Complex Fields 1 through 7 (turf) and 8 through 11 (grass), James Regional Sports Park (Fields 1-16).
Heat FC reserves the right to change the fields at its sole discretion.
Teams must check-in at the Field Marshal tent closest to their game field 30 minutes prior to the start of their match. The Field Marshal will inspect credentials (player’s cards, medical waivers, guest player documentation, etc.). A team that fails to report to the tent will forfeit the game. The coach or manager is responsible for signing the game card at the end of the game.
It will be at the referee’s discretion to determine the safety and suitability of player equipment. All players must wear shin guards under their socks. Teams must wear uniforms of matching- design and color with numbers affixed to the back of the uniform shirt. The goalkeeper’s uniform must be distinctly different in color from the basic colors of both competing- teams. No two players may have identical uniform numbers while participating- in any match. Players shall wear approved cleats.
Players may not wear jewelry during the competition. Players not in compliance will be cautioned (shown a yellow card) and sent off the field until the player satisfies all equipment requirements.
Casts may be permitted with approval of the referee. The referee, at his or her discretion, may permit hard casts so long as the cast is wrapped in padding (e.g. foam or bubble wrap).
Unlimited substitution will be allowed in all age groups. Substitutions may be made, with the consent of the referee, at any stoppage in play. Players will check in with the assistant referee. Upon the referee’s permission, a player will enter the field only after the player they are to replace has left the field.
All Coaches have total responsibility for the conduct of their players, substitutes, and spectators at all times. Coaching from the sidelines is permitted, provided:
- Each coach or substitute remains within 10 yards on either side of the halfway line;
- No coach, substitute, or spectator makes derogatory remarks or gestures to the referees, other coaches, players, substitutes, or spectator;
- No coach, substitute, or spectator uses profanity or incites, in any manner, disruptive behavior.
Any coach, team official or player ejected from a match, or suspended by the proper authority, is prohibited to be within sight or hearing distance of the field of play during his or her suspension. A player receiving two cautions (yellow cards) in a single game is considered to have been given an ejection (red card). A player who has been ejected will not be replaced. A player who has been ejected will not return for that game and will not be allowed to participate in the next scheduled game. A coach, team official, or player who is ejected for violent conduct or serious foul play will not be allowed to participate in the next two scheduled games. Any player, coach, or team official who assaults a referee will be expelled from the tournament. A coach who has been ejected will be suspended the same as a player ejection. Tournament points will be deducted for all ejections.
Fighting: Fighting will not be tolerated for any reason. Coaches, team officials, players, or spectators sent off for fighting (striking or attempting to strike another coach, team official, player or spectator) will not be allowed to participate in any further tournament matches. Coaches, team officials, players, or spectators who enter the field of play for any reason, in the event of a fight, will be ejected from the tournament. If the coach, team official, player or spectator cannot be identified, the entire team will be removed from the tournament. No refunds will be made to any team that is removed from the tournament for fighting.
The coach/team official shall forfeit any carded coach’s, team officials, or player’s pass to the referee who will give the pass and the match report to the field marshal. The coach, team official, or player in question shall be ineligible until the pass is returned to the coach, team official, or player by the tournament committee.
Any coach or team official that is coaching more than one team in the tournament and is suspended on one team, is automatically suspended from any other team or teams until the suspension has been served.
If, in the opinion of the Center Referee, a match must be terminated for misconduct, the offending team forfeits that match and will be suspended from further play in all remaining matches which would be forfeits. Previous points earned and any right to a refund, awards or other consideration will be forfeited. In addition, the home league and State Association will be contacted.
Any verbal abuse directed at committee members, referees or other volunteers will also result in suspension and ejection.
Referees have complete authority during all matches and will not allow abusive or profane language, threats of any kind or any style of play that detracts from the game
All players U10 and under shall not head the ball directly from the air in any match during the tournament. If a player U10 or younger deliberately heads the ball in a match, the referee shall award an indirect free kick to the opposing team at the spot of the infraction. If the heading occurs within the penalty area, the referee shall move the ball outside the penalty area and award an indirect free kick to the opposing team.
Flight Determination: The tournament director will determine the bracketing of the teams in each flight for each division. Not every division will have more than one flight.
Scoring: Teams will be awarded points for qualifying matches based on the following:
- Six points for each win
- Three points for each tie
- Zero points for each loss
- One point for each goal scored up to a maximum of Three goals per game
- One point for a shut-out
- Minus one point for each player ejected
- Minus three point for a coach ejected.
- Minus one point for each forfeit*
*For a forfeited match, the winner will be credited with a 1 – 0 win and awarded eight points (six for the win, one for the goal, and one for the shut-out). A team abandoned by another team during a match will be awarded at least eight points. The results of that match shall be based on the score at the time of the abandonment. A minimum of seven players constitutes a game. Games should start at the given start time. In case the team does not have seven players present, there will be a maximum of five minutes grace period before awarding the game to the opponent.
In the event of a tie in points at the end of bracket play, the teams to advance will be determined in the following order:
- The winner in head to head competition;
- Largest goal differential (maximum of plus or minus Four goals per match);
- Fewest goals against;
- Most goals for ( 5 goals max per match ) ;
- Most total wins;
- Most shutouts;
- If a tie still exists after steps one through six, FIFA penalty kicks from the penalty mark will be taken 30 minutes prior to the scheduled start of the appropriate quarter-final or semi-final game.
- If a three-way tie exists within a bracket after steps one through six, a three-way coin flip will be conducted. The teams that tie in the coin flip will compete in penalty kicks from the penalty mark to eliminate one team prior to proceeding to penalty kicks from the penalty mark with the third team. The coin flip and time of the penalty kicks will be 30 minutes prior to the quarter-final or semi-final games.
The tournament Committee has the authority to alter the schedule, move matches toe the next day or move match sites for the good of the tournament.
Upon completion of the match the game card will be given to the Field Marshal. The coach or manager is responsible for signing the game card. Scores will be posted by the tournament in Gotsport.com upon receipt from the Field Marshal.
The home team is listed first on the game schedule and is responsible to supply the game balls. If the referee declares a uniform color conflict, the home team will be required to change jerseys. If the home team cannot supply alternate jerseys, the home team will forfeit the game. Both teams will sit on the same side of the field. Spectators will sit on the opposite side of the field.
All decisions of the tournament director are final. No protests are allowed. Only the tournament director can make decisions relating to the interpretation of the tournament rules. Disputes relating to the interpretation of these rules will be resolved with the administrator or coach that is registered with the involved team.
Individuals may not represent a team if not registered as an administrator or coach with the involved team.
Players in the championship matches in each age group, first and second place teams, will receive individual awards. Awards will be presented at the field of the championship match after the completion of the match.
In the event of inclement weather, the Tournament Committee reserves the right to modify all tournament rules in order to safely and fairly end the tournament successfully.
Plan A: All matches will be played as scheduled.
Plan B: Shorten all first-round games to matches of 15 minute halves.
Plan C: Plan B plus shorten all second round matches the same.
Plan D: Plan C plus shorten all third round matches the same.
Plan E: In the event the Fields become totally unplayable or the weather becomes a hazardous condition, it may be necessary to decide some matches with penalty kicks.
The Tournament Committee will do whatever is necessary to play all games, however, the safety of the players is paramount. Along with safety, damage to the fields will be considered in making the decision to cancel games. There will be no refunds for canceled or shortened games.
Entry, withdrawal: A team withdrawing an entry on or before SEPTEMBER 1st, 2024 will receive a refund equivalent to the entry fee less a $50 processing fee. A request to withdraw must be made by email to tournaments@heatfcnevada.com
Late Withdrawal: Any withdrawal after SEPTEMBER 1st, 2024 will be considered a late withdrawal. The entry fee for a late withdrawal will be handled as follows: If a fully paid entry is found to replace the withdrawing team, the withdrawing team will receive a refund equivalent to their entry fee less a $100 processing fee. If a fully paid entry is not found to replace the withdrawing team, no amount of the entry fee will be refunded or credited. The tournament assumes no duty or responsibility to find a replacement entry for a late withdrawal.
The Southern Nevada Soccer Association, doing business as Heat FC, the tournament committee, United States Youth Soccer Association Nevada, United States Club Soccer, and/or the host affiliate are not responsible for any expense incurred by any team due to the cancellation in part or whole of this tournament.
The tournament committee has the responsibility to uphold any previous suspension imposed by any affiliates of USSF. SNSA is not responsible for the behavior of players, coaches, and spectators off the field, or damages resulting from such behavior. Coaches and players committing breaches of the law may be ejected from the tournament at the discretion of the tournament committee.